Welland Process Servers

Are you in need of  Process Servers in Welland, Ontario?

Do you need documents issued, filed, researched or copied at the Welland Court House?, if so we can take care of these matters for you.

Please note that it is common for the jurisdictions of Welland and St. Catharines to overlap sometimes also known as Niagara South and North.

Please double check any court matters that you may have, to be clear on what court your matter should be in. If unclear or not known to you not to worry we can always check both court houses to find out.

Please note that there is no public access terminal in the Welland court, all requests we must do over the counter.
If you are sending matters by courier to us, please send us an email to let us know what courier to expect, this way we can look for it’s arrival.

This office is currently closed.