Looking for process servers in Sudbury, Ontario?
Do you need an Occupancy Search done on a property?
We can attend locations and give a full occupancy report on our findings.
Our process serving office in Sudbury handles all services in the Sudbury Region which encompasses roughly 40,000 square km’s. We can also provide services to the north and west to Espanola and Manitoulin Island as well.
There is also the local court house in Sudbury, were we can order, issue or file documents for you as well.
Please send all documents for service to us by mail or courier to us at:
Our Sudbury process server is a retired police officer born and raised in the Sudbury area and brings 28 years of policing experience to get your documents served.
Canadian Process Serving Inc.
1384 Marcel Street
Sudbury, ON P3E 4G3
Emergency services can also be sent to us by email for quick service!
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