If you need a process server in Simcoe Ontario, we can take care of that for you.
We can also attend the court house to issue, file and do research for you as well.
Please make sure that you know and understand there are two places in Ontario called Simcoe, one being a City the other a county. The City of Simcoe is located on the shores of Lake Erie and is the county seat for Norfolk County. The County of Simcoe is north in Barrie, Ontario area, please make sure you are dealing with the right one.
Canadian Process Serving Inc.
270 Duncombe Road PO Box 1431
Waterford ON
N0E 1Y0
email: simcoe@canadianprocessserving.com
For your convenience below are the locations most frequently needed.
Simcoe Court House
50 Frederick Hobson VC Drive
Simcoe, ON
N3Y 4L5
If you are visiting Simcoe for a trial or an extended period of time and looking for a place to have a meal we suggest the Hi-Way restaurant just down from the Court House at 63 Queensway West.
If you want to stretch your legs you can visit Wellington Park at 50 Bonnie Drive, which is also were the world famous “Simcoe Lights” are held each holiday season.
Please make sure you visit the Carillon Tower across from the park, it has the names of the fallen that were lost in both wars. Our company founder and president has relatives names on the tower that made the ultimate sacrifice for our Country.