Update Nov 15….Strike is now underway…………
Update: Nov 3….still at the table trying to hammer out a deal….no word yet but they are far apart at this time…..
Canadian Postal workers are in a legal strike position starting in 1 week, November 3 2024. If you have urgent documents that you are sending to us we suggest you pick your preferred courier service, or use our e-mail service instead. A scanned affidavit of service is usually sufficient however certain courts even when the rules allow it will reject it. Please make sure that you convey your shipping methods to us when sending files in for service. If you have a courier account number send that along as well as it will help us in our shipping. If not we can arrange for a courier to deliver your files back to you. Certain couriers have only 1-2 day pickup service in rural locations, so please be aware that in emergency files we may have to drive to there local shipping depot, extra charges apply. For paying our accounts please contact our head office for details. With the service levels dropping yearly, you may want to think of a better form of shipping and receiving mail in the future. We recently conducted several tests and found it takes up to 14 days to send and receive a simple letter from Toronto-Hamilton.